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Big PPE Giveaway Initiative

Masks for NYCHA Residents Initiative



Providing Masks and PPE while the Coronavirus Pandemic sweeps New York City. The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Developments consists of over 178,000 apartments in over 300 developments in the 5 boroughs of New York City. 


NYCHA is home to over 500,000 people and it is our goal to provide masks to as many people as possible in the community. Families with children and seniors aging in place, in predominantly high rise elevator buildings. Because of this unique architecture and the limited resources of the residents, it is imperative that protective masks be made available to decrease and mitigate the risks of infection and mortality rates of the coronavirus in these Public Housing Communities, that have been identified as the most vulnerable population to this pandemic. 


Phase 1 of this initiative will give-away 500k Surgical Mask within the next 30 days that is a short-term solution to helping to stop the spread of the virus; and 

Phase 2 will give-away 500k Reusable Mask within 60 days for long- term usage as a vaccine is being developed.

Towards this end Share 4 Life has partnered with the NAACP NYCHA Branch, the National Action Network NY Public Housing Chapter, and NYCHA Resident Associations throughout the 5 boroughs of New York City to provide masks and other mitigation resources for the residents of NYCHA.

Goals: Launch the Masks For NYCHA Residents Initiative

  1. Raise the Money to Cover the Costs of Masks, Gloves Hand Sanitizers and Cleaning Supplies

  2.  Start Phase 1: deliver 500,000 Surgical Masks to the residents living in the NYCHA Communities by May 22nd, 2020

  3. To reduce the infections and exposure to this population that is statistically experiencing a higher infection and mortality rate from the Coronavirus Pandemic by providing Masks, Gloves, Hand Sanitizer and Cleaning Supplies

  4. Work with designers to create Reusable Mask to delivering to residents by June 22nd, 2020

Specifications: Share 4 Life and its Partners have the Capacity to Deliver

  1. Purchase Surgical and reusable Masks, Gloves, and Hand Sanitizer

  2. We will deliver all supplies to NYCHA developments for resident distribution

  3. Raise $150,000 through government, public and private sources to provide
    500,000 masks sets of gloves and hand sanitizer for distribution to the NYCHA Public Housing Community

  4. We are accepting donations of PPE supplies that can be arranged for pick and/or delivery. 

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